
Tuesday, August 7

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) - Watch Online

The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man is a really good movie. It's definitely a whole lot better than all three Toby McGuire Spider-Man movies! At first, I thought they were going to ruin the origin and the whole plot and stuff, but was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually really enjoyed it! (I heard it's based off of Ultimate Spider-Man comics? I don't think so...) The acting is great and the way Peter Parker/Spider-Man interacts with Gwen Stacey is superb. I love the choice of the villain (or maybe I'm just biased since The Lizard is my favorite Spider-Man villain...). The only thing I could ever complain about is that I wish they'd have given The Lizard his snout and lab coat... Oh well, maybe in one of the sequels! -Trent Foreman, Author of Nightmare

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